Statement For The Racially-Motivated Media
April 22, 2003
Oct. 10, 2002
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Indigenous Awakening

  I am an Indigenous citizen of Turtle Island, a Lakota National. I refuse to allow KKKanada or ameriKKKa to impose citizenship upon me. On June 19, 2001, the colony calling itself canada unofficially declared war on me, making them illegal combatants, "terrorists", in their own terminology. However, it is our destiny to recover all that they stole from us! The Eagle & the Condor will soon be reunited, & the Indigenous peoples will regain control over their own minds, their own lives, & their own land! Why does that bother the alien colonial "government" in Unci Makoce & elsewhere?
It's a control issue!
  I have to do what I have to do for the sake of my children, &, in an attempt to get them back; & to keep the feds out of our life. A possably impossable task. Believe what you will, that is not my concern anymore.
I've done everything I was empowered to do. But, like the ancient Tokala song says; "I've done everything I can for my people, yet they still talk about me"!
Less than a century ago, Deskaheh Levi General fought the imaginary border between the two northern colonies; Deskaheh was a far greater man than I, so I do not feel ashamed that I was unable to achieve his/our dream myself. And, our relations to the south are struggling against another wrongfully-imposed border, & paying with their blood; not unlike Indigenous Palestinians & others over-seas.
CIC agent Darcy Warner's death threat ("Smoke reminds me of Malcolm X, & he's going to meet a violent end just like Malcolm X"!), as well as their failed assasination attempt in Winnipeg later on that year, did nothing to dissuade me. Giving me diabetes while I was locked up didn't even slow me down. And, Warner's earlier threat to deport me to Pakistan made me more excited than worried (I never get to travel!). But, my support came nearly exclusively from other peoples than my own. That bothered me.
Perhaps my people just aren't ready to shed these imposed boundaries & alien citizenship (shit-e-SIN-ship). Our day shall come though.
However, if one cannot take care of his/her own home, they have no business trying to tackle the problems of the world. No one takes care of my children but me, that is where my focus is now. The gov had me in jail again, this time with my ex-wife's help, & I saw nothing to fight for other than my children. My four kids, who I had been raising alone, were taken-away from me. And, my only way to get out of jail & get them back (which is proving to be a more challenging process than I'd imagined), was to say what they wanted me to say. They told me exactly what they wanted me to say, & in return, they promised me something which they then renigged on.
So, the long & short of it is like this... The constant attacks from my ex-wife, & feds from both sides of the 49th parrallel, have taken their toll on my health & my mind, not to mention that I now no longer have my four beautiful children. So... I give-up.
I'm a grandpa already, & I have these young babies to think about myself. I've done my part already. Who's going to take-up the battle now?

  Link to two CBC Regina video clips:
(click on image)
(cbc link has been removed from the web by them)

Go to this site for updates & other information:  

At the far left you'll see the links to the various pages in my website. This is a welcome page. The next couple pages serve as a personal introduction. Beyond that, you'll delve deeper into my politics, and even lightly into my personal life. You might find something interesting on each of these pages, so take your time and browse through my site.

The following pages deal directly with my current political situation: Newsletter Issue #1, Editorial, Political Assasination, & The Letter. The Equality and Paint It Black pages are also of relevance though. And the newspaper articles further chronicle my situation as well.

I'm not assuming to have all the answers to the world's problems, but I've got an idea what I should do. So I'm acting on it. Complacency is a sin in my mind. Are you doing your share? Be active, make a difference.

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Bad River Gathering

They arranged an appeal hearing without notifying me on March 27, 2003!


I got a call from CBC News here in Regina; apparently KKKanada was
attempting to get their courts to reverse the Oct decision on my SIN Fraud
charge. The hearing was set for court that afternoon at 2:PM at the Court of Queens
Bench on Victoria Avenue, in courtroom #2.

If CBC hadn't phoned me, I'd never have known... until the dogs came
with their leashes!




The result??

After several days of unusually warm weather locally, a light snowfall
filled the sky right after my court ended today. Now it's nice again...

When I got back into my van after court this afternoon the following
song was playing on the radio: "Another One Bites The Dust"! And next,
ZZ Top, "I'm Bad, I'm Nation-Wide", came on. No shit!

Well, what can I say... To quote Hammer... "You can't touch this!"

The colony tried to slip a good one past me, but, as has always been the
case, it blew-up in their face! Keep your eyes on my Indigenous Awakening elist, as I chronicle the awakening of the Indigenous right!

Yeah, I feel good...


After my Oct 10 Immigration hearing, the machine was pretty angry with yours truly. So, on Oct 30, they figured they'd be able to lock me up following my trial. However, the solidarity exhibited by my supporters across the country forced them to reconsider! So, the buggers stayed the bogus Failure To Appear charge & "found" me
not guilty of criminal intent regarding the Fraudulent Use of a Social
Insurance Number. The media is confused as to why I don't feel happy
with the outcome of my trial though...

I arrived at the courthouse to find a small rally outside, both Indian &
non-Indian supporters. The Raging Grannys had even written a song for me!

CBC filmed the singing of the song. Then I was informed about the
increased security in the court house. Five cops with metal detectors
were standing in the doorway. Cops were all over the building, every
floor. (Note: prime time for B & Es, speeding, etc., will be whenever
I'm in court, as there'll be no cops anywhere else in the city!)

They changed courtrooms on me too, but anyone could see my kids playing
outside courtroom #7.

As soon as the trial began, I saw that the preceedings had already been
scripted. A lawyer for the city appeared & asked the judge to dismiss
the 3 witnesses I supeoned from the Regina Police Department. I stood up
& explained that they were relevant to my proving that the Failure To
Appear charge was not legitimate & that this court was corrupt &
involved in a conspiracy against me. The judge dismissed them anyway, of
course, & threatened to charge me with contempt if I continued to say
that his court was corrupt.

I had 2 witnesses left, the judge dismissed them both later on.

Most of the questions I asked government witnesses were dismissed by the
judge because he claimed that they were either of racial or political
nature. I responded repeatedly, that this whole case was
racially-motivated, & that it has been political from the start. At one
point, I offered to show the judge my list of questions, so that he
could just show me which questions he was going to allow me to ask. He
didn't respond.

I was prevented from showing all the discrepencies in government
evidence; these papers were entered as evidence, yet I was not allowed
to attack certain discrepencies in some documents, as well as the
authenticity of others.

On October 10, white government reps stated that I was an American
citizen. Then, today, a white government rep stated that I was a
Canadian citizen. For 40 years neither of them wanted me, now they both
do! The judge said, I know that you say you are not a Canadian citizen,
but I say that you are. Fuck you.

He also, more than once, said that he realized I refuse to accept the
authority of Canada, but that it was a given. I argued that point each
time. He mentioned international law supporting Canada's sovereignty, I
mentioned international law disputing Canada's sovereignty.

Most of this morning's debate was between the judge & myself, very
little between me & government witnesses. When I was asked to state my
name, for the record, I stated my real name, Sunkmanitu tanka Isnala
Najin. I further explained that population density does not negate fact;
just because they out-number me, that does not erase the fact that until
the Lakota nation consents to white occupation in this area, they are
illegal tresspassers.

The judge ruled that I have the right to work in Canada... Whopee, the
Great White Mother said I can feed my own children in my own land! Yet,
I still do not have a Social Insurance Number, so his statement does not
mean shit. It's not his decision to make anyway!

So, the charges against me have been dropped, why am I pissed??

I was robbed of the chance to prove Canada's conspiracy.

  The information above relates not only to my trial on October 30, but likewise to the overall practise of racial profiling by courts & police against Indians throughout our land. The issue of inherent Indigenous rights, treaties, & human rights further come into play here! The colony of canada has long used their institutions to silence Native freedom fighters. These genocidal practices will continue until more Indigenous people stand up for our rights, & until non-Indigenous supporters demand honesty & integrity in return for their tax dollars!
  Demand an end to racism & oppression!


It's been more than a year since Canada's supposed "deadline" for me to get out of "THEIR" country! When my wife went to the Citizenship and Immigration Canada office here in Regina, on Oct. 26th, 2001, to get a copy of the Immigration Act section they were using to "deport" me, Senior Immigration Officer Al Johns told her that they were just as stressed out about this as we are!! Oh my God... I am so sorry to cause such undue suffering for that fine branch of honest Canadian government!

In the inquiry on Sept. 20th, 2001, agent Lozinski told me that my file consisted of one single page of paper, when my wife went to agent Johns' office, he had a large file on me. Apparently, Lozinski lied when I asked him for a copy of everything they had. I wonder if they realize that if they touch me, they'll be creating an international incident? And, as soon as I'm able, I'll sue them in the appropriate court. Of course, as arrogant as these Canadians are, they probably still don't realize what they're doing! The media coverage no doubt has had its effect on things as well. More & more people across this country, & all over the world, are coming together in solidarity to bring an end to the holocaust of the Americas!

Native Solidarity News radio interview

2nd CKUT FM interview


Due to the constant problems with my original ICQ site, I've moved much of the material from that site to this one. (For example, every time I have a "run-in" with Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the ICQ site goes offline for several days.) It is available from time to time however, & clicking on the Kokopelli icon above will bring that site up, when it's accessable. This site has more recent material however.

Email me.

3 older babies in Black Hills
spring, 2003

Wolf & babes at Stronghold; spring, 2003

Tatanka Iyotaka

  "What treaty that the whiteman ever made with us have they kept? Not one. When I was a boy the Lakota owned the world, the sun rose and set on their land; they sent ten thousand men to battle. Where are the warriors today? Who slew them? Where are our lands? Who owns them? ... What law have I broken? Is it wrong for me to love my own? Is it wicked for me because my skin is red? Because I am a Lakota, because I was born where my father lived; because I would die for my people and my country?"
       - Tatanka Iyotaka (Sitting Bison Bull) 1877

Statement For The Racially-Motivated Media